June 7 Computational Thinking

 Today's blog will be on two topics. In class we worked on looking at the bias of ChatGPT and other AI. We then began to work on coding. I started at the beginner level. 


I started the coding assignment with minimal knowledge in coding. The only coding I have done is block code. I choose to start in the Beginner level project because of this. The main thing I learned was what different ways you can input words and numbers to code. For example, you could put in a numeric value and then have to change it to a string if you want to use it in that format. I got 23% of the way through the beginner level. I stopped a little of the way through the PygLatin project. I'm excited to continue learning to code so that I can help my robotics team in coding the robot next season.

Articles on AI bias:

    From what I learned from the experiment and the articles it is that ChatGPT and other AI are as biased as the people who use and create then want it to be. For example, when I asked ChatGPT to make me a summary it would give a response based on what it thought I wanted. Int he first time I gave it instructions I specified that I wanted to discuss the bias of AI, so it geared its response toward that but the second time I didn't specify anything and only asked for a summary. I got a generic response from that instead of a directed one. Based on the articles I noticed that depending on who trains the AI also determines the AI's bias. If the data was bias, then the AI is bias. 


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