Visualization and AI Overview.

Today's blog will be about two different things. First Is about data visualization and the second is about AI which we used to guess who would survive on the titanic. 

Data visualization:

I was not able to get excel to work on my computer, so I moved on to the python visualizations. I started with the plant visualizations. The first thing I figured out on it was how to move the planets and change the color. Later on, I learned how to change the shape of the planets and move the names around. 

I learned from this how you can manipulate shapes and colors to portray what you want to more clearly. Color and Shape are just two of the ways to do data visualization. 

Now let's take a look at AI:

AI, also known as Artificial intelligence, is a program that learns from the data it is given to do a certain task. In class we discussed who would survive in the titanic. My group determined our answers from what class the people were and their age.  We assumed that people who were lower class and older were much less likely to survive than higher class and younger people. 

The code that was created using the tutorial got about 77% of the predications right. I think this is because there were outliers since some people on the Titanic used different methods to get of the ship. 

From this I learned that AI can only be as smart as the data it is given. If the AI was given the model to decide only women survived int he titanic then it would have decided that all the men would have died despite any other factors. To make AI accurate you have to include many different results and options to help the AI choose the best possible answer. 


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