June 18: Guest Speaker

 In today's class we had a guest speaker. The guest speaker was Dr. Schuman. She discussed machine learning and talked about some of her projects at UT. 

Machine Learning: What Is Machine Learning? - TechUpdatesDaily


Dr. Schuman discussed many things in her presentation. One of the main things was how a machine learns. She discussed different methods of this learning. The one that stuck with me the most was the K- nearest neighbor method. In simple terms the method uses whatever "neighbor" is nearest to the point you selected and used that to assume what the object should be. The machine declares the object whatever neighbor is most prominent near it. The number of "neighbors" used to determine the new object can be changed depending on how accurate things are spaced or in general need to be. People typically use odd number for K-nearest neighbor to avoid ties. Besides the machine learning, she also showed us one of her projects at UT. It was a small car that was being taught to drive itself. The car used machine learning to navigate paths. She said the car can get up to 40mph, but to drive without hitting obstacles she says her goal is to get it up to 15mph. She showed a video of the car moving through a makeshift course and we got to see the car learning and navigating itself. The car moved in a side-to-side movement to analyze its surroundings. The reason Schuman gave us for why the car cannot travel fast through the course is the cord they are using. Because there using a USB cord the time it takes for the car to receive and respond to its surroundings is slowed. 

What I learned: 

I found today's presentation to be really interesting. I definitely think I can apply this somewhere outside of GSSE. I am a part of a First robotics team. In First each competition starts off with a 30 sec autonomous period. I think this information about machine learning could help us improve how we code our robot depending on the game for next year. I would love to learn more and see how I could apply machine learning to next year's robotics season. Since these competitions are done in teams our position is never the same on the field. If the robot could learn from where it is to shoot on its own in the 30 period it would benefit our teamwork with our alliance as we would be able to start from anywhere rather than having to have a fixed position to start on. 


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