June 10 3d-printing

 Today in class we learned about 3d printing and made our own Cad designs to print off. 


Onshape | Product Development Platform

I myself have not done any 3d Printing however my robotics teams design team uses it a lot. I know that for a 3d print you must first create your model. Creating a model on a CAD program I have done before. I have used Tinkercad a little bit and more recently I learned Onshape for my engineering class.

I choose Onshape as I have the most experience with it and I personally like it better than Tinkercad.  

My design:

I designed a tablet for my DND dice for when I am playing. I designed it to keep my dice in place as I tend to lose my dice very easily. I made it in the shape of a sword to reflect on the fantasy of DND and also just because I thought it looked cool. 

What I learned:

I learned more about the printing side of 3D models. While I am used to making CAD models and seeing the outcome of 3D printing I have never actually seen how it is done and the rules behind it. Watching the videos about 3D printing really helped me understand what my teams design team does and all the things they need to consider when making robot parts. I'm excited to be able to use this knowledge for next robotics season to give more specified details the designers when I need a part for the robot. 


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